Sunday, 16 September 2018

10 Lifestyle Hacks To Reduce The Risks Of Cancer

We’ve been asking people to share their tips and tricks to make being healthy just a little bit easier. Not smoking, keeping a healthy weight, cutting back on booze, eating a healthy diet and being more active are all important components of a healthy lifestyle. And they could all cut cancer risk. But sometimes we need a little nudge to get us on our way. Here are the 10 lifestyle hacks to reduce the risk of cancer.
 1)  Optimize Your Vitamin D: Vitamin D is involved in the biology of all cells in your body, including your immune cells. A large number of studies have shown raising your vitamin D level can significantly reduce your risk of cancer.
2) Avoid Bottled Water: You’ll reduce your exposure to known or suspected carcinogens and hormone-disrupting chemicals. A new report from the President’s Cancer Panel on how to reduce exposure to carcinogens suggests that home-filtered tap water is a safer bet than bottled water, whose quality often is not higher—and in some cases is worse—than that of municipal sources, according to a study by the Environmental Working Group.
3) Do Not Eat Canned Foods: A leading UK cancer charity has written to major food manufacturers asking them to reveal details of their use of the controversial chemical BPA in food cans. The move follows a US study showing BPA is still widely used in cans despite being linked to a range of potentially serious health problems.
4) Get Rid Of Your Microwave: Radiations from microwave causes cancer.
5) Choose Organic And Locally Grown Food: Organic produce contains fewer pesticides. Chemicals such as fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides are widely used in conventional agriculture and residues remain on (and in) the food we eat.
6) Simplify Your Cleaning Products: Reduce your risk of breast cancer by avoiding some of the hazardous chemicals commonly found in household products.
7) Ditch Your Nonstick Cookware: Most people are familiar with it as a non-stick coating surface for pans and other cookware. Non-stick cookware is not a significant source of PFOA exposure. In general, well-conducted studies in animals do a good job of predicting which exposures cause cancer in people.
8) Start Using Greener Beauty Products: Some ingredients used in cosmetics are known or suspected EDCs which mimic oestrogens. Certain chemicals found in cosmetics interfere with oestrogen levels in the body and may lead to changes in breast tissue, which have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
9 )Avoid Eating Excess Protein: High-Protein Diet Raises Cancer Risk As Much As Smoking. People who eat a high-protein diet during middle age are more likely to die of cancer than those who eat less protein, a new study finds. However, for people older than 65, a moderate protein intake may reduce the risk of cancer.
10) Eat Living Foods: Diets high in fruit may lower the risk of stomach and lung cancer.

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